stress tips and tricks!

How to describe life at university? In one word I would say stressful. Don’t get me wrong I love uni, i’ve met amazing people including my boyfriend, and have made many great memories like drunk nights out and getting my nose pierced but i have had a lot of problems with stress and anxiety the past few years . if like me you over stress and overthink everything until your just a ball of emotions you know how tiring it can be. i’m not sure if this will be much help but here are a few things i have found really help my stress and anxiety .

Tip1! Drinking Tea. somehow i’ve been able to get to the age of 20 and not know that different tea’s somehow do different things for your body. take Chamomile tea for example this Tea is suppose to calm nerves and be good for your complexion. I mainly drink tea because the warm cup just seems to be really relaxing for me, i’m not sure why? anyway my favourite is berry green tea it helps if you feel fatigue.

Tip2! exercise. I know I laughed too, the endorphin’s that you get from exercise really boost your energy. if your stressed and you want to calm down maybe yoga could be your thing or maybe you wanna let out a load of energy but doing something like kickboxing. Whatever activity it is you’ll feel amazing after and maybe a little sweaty but hey if you didn’t sweat did you even work out?

Tip3! Create something. I am an Art student so of course I would suggest this but it doesn’t have to be arty, if you like to write then write a story. its great to have some sort of creative outlet, personally i am the worst painter of all time so i sew embroidery, which yes can cause stress of its own but its a fun way to get away from the original stress. maybe singing or dancing is your thing as long as you’re having fun that’s fine by me .

Tip4! Read a Book. I know its not everyone’s cup of tea (wink wink) but reading a book can help calm and relax you. my favourite book is the perks of being a wallflower by Stephan Cherbosky. If you don’t like reading books or like me you find it had to do watch you’re favourite movie, we all have that movie we love so much we can quote it word for word. get all snuggled up grab some popcorn and relax.

These are just a few things I like to do when i’m stressed to help we unwind oh and its not o the list but lots of chocolate is usually involved. i’m not sure if this will help any of you guys but if it does then that’s great or maybe you do something else? what do you do the relax after a stressful day?

love em xxx